Invitation graduation ceremony and prize for development cooperation
Institute of Development Policy (UAntwerp)
28 août à 17:05“
Opening Event 2019: Graduation | Prize for Development Cooperation
The Institute of Development Studies (IOB) at UAntwerp warmly invites you to its annual Opening Event, which includes the graduation ceremony of academic year 2018-2019 and the Prizes for Development Cooperation of the Province of Antwerp on Monday 16 September 2019.
Programme (correction)
15:30: Welcome, registration and coffee
16:00: Introduction and presentation of the Prize winners by Linde Roels, head of staff service for the provincial Development and Education Department
Awarding of the Prizes for Development Cooperation of the Province of Antwerp by Luk Lemmens, deputy for the Province of Antwerp
Keynote speaker: Daniel Agramont (IOB Alumnus) “The growing Chinese presence in Latin America and its (Geo)political implications”
Opening of IOB’s 2019-2020 academic year by Herman Van Goethem, rector of the University of Antwerp
Public announcement of the results of IOB’s 2018-2019 graduating students by Stef Vandeginste, programme director
Speech by an IOB student representative
18.00: Reception
Prizes for Development Cooperation Since 1996 the Province of Antwerp has been awarding its Prizes for Development Cooperation on an annual basis. The prizes are intended to promote development studies in economic, political, social, legal, cultural and environmental fields, and in the field of public health and human and animal medicine. All students enrolled in the master (after master) programmes at the University of Antwerp or at the Institute of Tropical Medicine are eligible. The deputation selects a jury which evaluates the submitted theses according to a number of criteria. Each of the winners receives a cash prize of 850 euro.
Venue Aula Rector Dhanis Stadscampus – building K Kleine Kauwenberg 14-22 2000 Antwerpen
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante : Sylvie Ayimpam (28 août 2019). IOB Antwerpen: Invitation graduation ceremony and prize for development cooperation . Régulation violence incertitude. Consulté le 12 octobre 2024 à l’adresse
Ce carnet présente les processus en cours et les résultats de nos recherches sur les dynamiques de la régulation sociale et l'action collective en Afrique à l'Institut des Mondes Africains (IMAf). Dans la présentation de ce programme nous privilégions trois axes majeurs : le jeu sur les normes sociales, les formes de la violence ordinaire et l'incertitude qui constitue le cadre général de ces manifestations sociales.
This blog presents our on-going researches processes and results on social regulation dynamics and collective action in Africa. Three mains topics will be given priority: social norms, violence and uncertainty which are the core of our research activity at the Institute of African Worlds (IMAf).